
Republic of China

The population of Taiwan is about 23.4 million people, most of which live on island of Taiwan. Taiwan has a highly developed, high-income economy with highly qualified and educated residents. Its economy is ranked 22nd in the world, and its high-tech industry plays a key role in the global economy.

In fact, the Republic of China on the island of Taiwan is what remained of the Chinese state after a fierce civil war in 1949 when communist troops seized the whole country, and the communist government was able to usurp power in it. The island of Taiwan had martial law until 1987. After that, the democratization process was developed and successfully completed. However, the people of the PRC are still deprived of political rights and live under the pressure of the communist regime.

The UN does not recognize the Republic of China (Taiwan) as a sovereign state. However, in human development index calculation, Taiwan is not counted as part of the People’s Republic of China to determine the index of the PRC. The government of Taiwan has calculated that the country's human development index is 0.907 according to the methodology of the UN Development Program 2010, which puts the Republic of China on the 21st place, between Austria and Luxembourg, in the world list of countries compiled by the UN in September 2018.